WSFMC and its national affiliate, NFMC, both offer a variety of memberships to students, teachers, and adults across the country and in Washington State. Membership offers opportunities to perform, compete and share the joy of music and music education with other musicians and educators. We would love to have you as a member!
Parent or Student
Students studying music with a Senior member of WSFMC can participate in Junior festivals and other competitions and contests by becoming a Junior member.
Students studying music with a Senior member of WSFMC can participate in Junior festivals and other competitions and contests by becoming a Junior member.
Music Teacher
As a music teacher, you can join as a Senior member, which allows your students to participate in the Junior programs, such as Festival and other competitions and contests.
As a music teacher, you can join as a Senior member, which allows your students to participate in the Junior programs, such as Festival and other competitions and contests.
College Student
As a college student, you are eligible to become a Student Collegiate member and participate in a variety of competitions and contests.
As a college student, you are eligible to become a Student Collegiate member and participate in a variety of competitions and contests.
Need more help? Have questions? Contact us and we'll help you with the right membership for you and how to join.